Saturday, May 18, 2013

The article "What's Our Sputnik?" (Freidman, 2010) without a doubt had some valid points. We must do what we can with young students enter STEM fields.
Years ago, when we successfully landed a man on the moon, and brought him safely back to earth, we were responding to a potential threat from another super power, the Soviet Union.
Although we did become more knowledgable, productive, and efficient in our various systems, we still seem today to be responding to others, instead of doing what we can to help our own country prosper, and its help its people feel secure.
The changes the author would like to see happen are not far fetched, but should be looked at realistically. First, and foremost, we must find ways to motivate young students to seriously consider STEM careers. But this will take more than enthusiasm to achieve, it will take a collective effort from teachers, AND parents, as well as the community to teach kids to determine what their goals are, and more importantly, what it will take to get there. We need to promote time, patience, and hard work. We need to counter the instant gratification that plagues our society. Young people need to understand what is behind those instant messages, and high speed internet, and social medias.


  1. I have similar thoughts to yours about the article. You make a valid point that parents need to be involved with their children's education. As teachers, we have students for 6-8 hours per day but it is often not enough to override the messaging parents give their children outside of school.

  2. Why is it that our country is so REACTIVE instead of being PROACTIVE? I worked in animal hospitals for 10 years, and our main idea about treatment was to be proactive. It is far easier to prevent something from happening rather than try and scramble after the fact. It was hard to convince our clients of this, and maybe it's because our country as a whole is reactive and not proactive.

    The most frustrating part of my job are the parents. If they don't care why will their children? What a struggle!!!!

    1. Hi Kaydee
      Your perspective is right on! I don't have an answer as to why we tend to be reactive more often than not. It seems like the world in general is stuck on instant gratification and results. There doesn't appear to be much in the way of pride anymore, or maybe integrity, or honor, when it comes to good old fashion hard work. People use to be more patient. Nowdays they seem to fly off the handle more easily, instead of thinking things through. It's almost like people want to grab what they can in life quickly, no matter who is in the way!
